Interest Rates, Property Prices & Property Settlements

Over the last two years there have been a number of interest rate rises, and Australian families have had to weather the storm. If you are going through a family law property settlement, it is important to consider the impact of the changing financial landscape on your property settlement. Family law litigants need to be […]

Splitting Time Over School Holidays

Easter Holidays are nearing, and you may wonder how you are going to arrange your child’s time with you, or your former partner or spouse in a way that minimises conflict. You may have experienced difficulty over the recent summer school holidays organising time with your child, or perhaps the Easter school holidays are the […]

Quicker & More Cost-Efficient Property Settlements

Dividing property after a separation can be a challenging and difficult process, but one that is very important to get right the first time so that both parties are able to move on with their lives. Many people going through a separation are looking for the quickest and most efficient resolution to their family law […]

Family Law Property Settlements: Is a 50/50 split the starting point?

Following the breakdown of a marriage or de facto relationship, it is common for separated parties to be unsure and therefore anxious about their entitlements in a property settlement and the assets they are likely to retain. This is only natural given that Family Law is a complicated and emotional area of law which is […]

Making Your Will Count – Healthy Will Checklist

It is important for everyone over 18 to have a Will to make sure their wishes are followed and their assets are distributed as they would want after they die. If you don’t have a Will your assets will be divided according to how the law dictates in the rules of intestacy, that is, when […]

Understanding your legal rights if questioned by police

Surprisingly, many people do not know what their legal rights are if they are questioned by a police officer. It is important for everybody to understand these rights, particularly teenage children, young adults or those who may be vulnerable. The way a person reacts to police questioning can have a significant impact on how the […]

Travelling with a Will: Your crucial travel companion

The world has opened back up, and this means we are all booking those flights to that tropical island somewhere, or that special destination on our bucket lists. But have you forgotten something? Have you considered doing your Will prior to travelling? Travelling can be an exhilarating experience which broadens your horizons and is a […]

Family Violence and Family Law

Family violence is a widespread issue, and one that is often raised in Family Law. Cases involving allegations of family violence are often complex, and there is no ‘one-size-fitsall’ approach. These matters usually require a tailored approach to dealing with the specific issues that are affecting that family. Recently, the Courts have taken a number […]

Dealing with Divorce

Ending a relationship is a complex and difficult process for everyone involved. It can also be an overwhelming and emotional situation to navigate, and that’s before the legal side of things are taken into account. In a legal context, the end of a marriage often leaves a number of issues that need to be resolved […]